About Laban

Conquering the full gamut of addictions, from food and booze to sex, gambling, drugs and sixty pounds of body-fat, Laban now defines the word transformation.

A child badly affected by divorce and family dysfunction, Laban sought validation and escapism in all the wrong places. Through self-discovery and a ton of hard work, he is now physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally in charge of his own destiny.  An exemplar and a revolutionary, Laban shifts the relationship we have with food, our gut and our mind. 

As a speaker, his story is a terrific yarn, told by a great storyteller and humourist. He revels in sharing, unabashed, what he’s learned about how to conquer the demons you don’t know you have, and how to be unstoppable in getting to where you want to be.

Founder of his own Speaking, Coaching and Podcast business, Laban is flying high. He’s in the relationship of his dreams and is extraordinarily, mind-blowingly, fit. These days he gets his fix from the madness of ultra-marathons, coaching, speaking and a hot carnivore BBQ!

In business as in real life there are always going to be ups and downs. However, where there is a will, there is always a way to achieve amazing results for your organisation when Laban Ditchburn fills the room with his high-impact, customised message and standing ovation performance!

Laban’s debut book “Bet On You!” also to be released in 2021

Learn more about Laban via the ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ interview